Saturday 26 June 2010

The road to Bloemfontein

I am posting this a day early because we have a dawn start and a 6/7 hour drive from Sun City to Bloemfontein to face the Germans. But at least we are going! Sun City seems to be full of England fans with tickets for the Ghana v USA game tonight!?! We even have the Ghana team staying in our hotel!! Oh what could have been!? Still, Big Hoff and I have managed to find accommodation in Bloemfontein!! So we can still partake in the post match party in the fanzone.Afterall, why spoil a winning formulae!?! Come on England!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark and Paul Hope you stay awake for the game, we'll be looking for two very tired company Directors on TV,looking very thirsty and longing for a pint !! Safe journey and wave the flag for us all back home. Come on England!!Love you lots Mum and Dad Cxx
