Wednesday 23 June 2010

England expects...............

AM Wednesday 23rd 2010 and I am almost tempted to write something Churchillian or from Lord Nelson but we ALL already know.........England expects everyman to do his duty!! I only hope messers Rooney, Gerrard, Lampard & Terry attended history lessons when they weren't 'wagging' school!?! So far we have seen no evidence to suggest they have a patriotic bone in their body!?! But that is history for you - it's all in the past!! Today is another day. Today is the big one!! We must WIN!! and we must win convincingly!! The consequences of not winning are unbearable. We will be compared with France for goodness sake! But there are even bigger more complex issues at stake.
Don't qualify and BigHof and I are off to South Africa on holiday!! What's wrong about that you ask. Well try going somewhere so cold you need ski gear but can't ski or somewhere so wet it rains all the time. Call that a holiday.
Then there's what to pack. Top and we are in the cold but at least we have paid for our accomodation. Second and it's Durban and the sunshine but then we need to pay (AGAIN!!)

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