Thursday 24 June 2010

Never in doubt!!

Oh ye of little faith! I always knew we would do it and at this rate we can go on and win the world cup with only scoring 6 goals (total!) But it is riveting stuff rolled up with a cardiovascular workout!!
So it's off to Bloemfontein a head to head with the German's and more training for the old 'ticker'......penalties are on the cards. Our defence is too strong for a goal fest but who knows we might just knick a second and save us the angst.
Big Hof has already organised changes to our travel plans and the bathers are in the bag for Durban but here's the rub Bloemfontein is a dry state on Sunday's! :o( How can anyman blow a Vuvuzula with a dry whistle!?!
That's me off to Heathrow and SAA0237 to Joburg.
Come on England!!

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