Saturday 26 June 2010

Big Hoff 1 - Gerks 0

Arrived safely in Pretoria, but only just!?! We had a serious comedy moment on the equivalent of the M1 when we had to swerve to avoid a wooden crate the size of a small house in the middle of the road. No matrix warning signs for these boys!!
The tour is starting to take shape. Find digs, dump bags, head for fanzone, two games of footie and a througher, back to digs for a kip!?! That's when you discover your mate snores for England and you regret ever saying the words "don't worry about it mate. All blokes snore!?!" Not like Big Hoff, they don't!! Despite Bose noise cancelling headphones AND earplugs, you can still hear him!! :o(
It's a long trip ahead!!

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