Sunday 27 June 2010

Germany 4 - England 1

I'll be able to tell the grand kids...."I was there!?!" I wish I wasn't but I was there!! We were POOR!! And our 2010 World Cup tally is played 4, Shite 4!! I can't quite put my finger on it but if I were to hazard a guess it would be too slow at the back, no mid field and nothing up front!! Still we have had a lovely day. A 5AM start, a 700km drive and a narrow miss when a light aircraft landed on the central reservation, 15km short of Bloemfontein airport!?! No joke!!
Now I am off to investigate if you can change the title of your Blog to 'Big Hoff and Gerks play golf, drink beer and go Whale watching' you can follow this blog at our new site

Saturday 26 June 2010

The road to Bloemfontein

I am posting this a day early because we have a dawn start and a 6/7 hour drive from Sun City to Bloemfontein to face the Germans. But at least we are going! Sun City seems to be full of England fans with tickets for the Ghana v USA game tonight!?! We even have the Ghana team staying in our hotel!! Oh what could have been!? Still, Big Hoff and I have managed to find accommodation in Bloemfontein!! So we can still partake in the post match party in the fanzone.Afterall, why spoil a winning formulae!?! Come on England!!!

Big Hoff 1 - Gerks 0

Arrived safely in Pretoria, but only just!?! We had a serious comedy moment on the equivalent of the M1 when we had to swerve to avoid a wooden crate the size of a small house in the middle of the road. No matrix warning signs for these boys!!
The tour is starting to take shape. Find digs, dump bags, head for fanzone, two games of footie and a througher, back to digs for a kip!?! That's when you discover your mate snores for England and you regret ever saying the words "don't worry about it mate. All blokes snore!?!" Not like Big Hoff, they don't!! Despite Bose noise cancelling headphones AND earplugs, you can still hear him!! :o(
It's a long trip ahead!!

Thursday 24 June 2010

Heathrow Lounge

Big Hoff here on Mark's ID

Well here we are waiting for the flight SA237 leaves at 2000. We are having a few cool Bulmers to provide some limited protection against 10 hours in economy. We didn't realise planes had a row 65 but apparantly it's true!

Another shock at at the airport - Italy out and Slovakia through! Looks like England are the only big European guns left in.

Our travel agent is working hard to find us a place to lay our heads on Sunday night near Bloemfontein but even if it means driving 5 hours through the night back to Sun City we will be there - 2 World Wars and one World Cup and all that..

Tomorrow is apparantly a day at leisure according to our itinery - wonder what that means?

Never in doubt!!

Oh ye of little faith! I always knew we would do it and at this rate we can go on and win the world cup with only scoring 6 goals (total!) But it is riveting stuff rolled up with a cardiovascular workout!!
So it's off to Bloemfontein a head to head with the German's and more training for the old 'ticker'......penalties are on the cards. Our defence is too strong for a goal fest but who knows we might just knick a second and save us the angst.
Big Hof has already organised changes to our travel plans and the bathers are in the bag for Durban but here's the rub Bloemfontein is a dry state on Sunday's! :o( How can anyman blow a Vuvuzula with a dry whistle!?!
That's me off to Heathrow and SAA0237 to Joburg.
Come on England!!

Wednesday 23 June 2010

England expects...............

AM Wednesday 23rd 2010 and I am almost tempted to write something Churchillian or from Lord Nelson but we ALL already know.........England expects everyman to do his duty!! I only hope messers Rooney, Gerrard, Lampard & Terry attended history lessons when they weren't 'wagging' school!?! So far we have seen no evidence to suggest they have a patriotic bone in their body!?! But that is history for you - it's all in the past!! Today is another day. Today is the big one!! We must WIN!! and we must win convincingly!! The consequences of not winning are unbearable. We will be compared with France for goodness sake! But there are even bigger more complex issues at stake.
Don't qualify and BigHof and I are off to South Africa on holiday!! What's wrong about that you ask. Well try going somewhere so cold you need ski gear but can't ski or somewhere so wet it rains all the time. Call that a holiday.
Then there's what to pack. Top and we are in the cold but at least we have paid for our accomodation. Second and it's Durban and the sunshine but then we need to pay (AGAIN!!)

Friday 18 June 2010

England 0 - Algeria 0

I can't believe it either!! Clearly the boy's aren't bothered it's Fabio's birthday!? They seem to be more worried about getting a career threatening injury and missing the start of the Premiership than getting stuck in and beating a bunch of part timers.
We can't tackle, we can't pass and we can't score!?! A part from that we were class!! I think we can still win it!?! So I am off to South Africa! Afterall that's where you go to see a Lion in the wild, a Whale in sea and a Elephant fly!?!
To see England win the World Cup is a lot cheaper. It's £9.99, it's on DVD and it's all our yesterday's!?!
Happy birthday Fabio!!

Happy Birthday Fabio!

Friday 18th June: It's Fabio Capello's 64th birthday and the Nation is hoping his 'boys' can give him a day to remember. No scrapping through today,boys. A clean sheet, a Rooney hat trick supported with a confidence building 'brace' from Heskey will do nicely and give 'Fab' a day to remember.
It will also send a statement to the world 'We are here to win it!!'
Against USA........................
Heskey may rhyme donkey but one missed open goal doesn't make him an Ass!?
and Rooney running around like a looney was over excitement and short of his usual class!
Come on England!!!
Your country needs you!!
I'm off to the pub...................

Wednesday 16 June 2010

England 1 USA 1

Doh! When Big Hoff and I first discussed World Cup 2010 we agreed "it had to be done!".Following Rob Green's antics I am more inclined to think "what have I done?!" Still we are weighed in so we are off to South Africa next Thursday, after the group stage.
Now here's the rub!
What to pack?? We have planned and paid for England winning the group!? If we finish second it's flip flops and swimwear coz we are off to Durban!! Top and it's the ski gear!?! Decisions, decisions. All that for another day. It is England v Algeira tomorrow and we need a hat full!! Come on England!!