Friday 2 July 2010

Masearo Magoro (Pretoria Tour Guide GP3440)

Due to the unfortunate and sad circumstances we found ourselves in Pretoria (or Tschwane as they now call it) with a spare day and nothing to do before flying down to Cape Town. We have managed to change our return flights home by several days so the blog will end early on 8th July.
Anyway not sure what to do with the day ahead of we we headed into town and for the Tourist information centre in Church Square.
Now the blog today is dedicated to the lovely tour guide (name above) and to the the new bus concept that was previously known as Hop On/Hop Off but is now Hop On and Stay On! in fact stay on all day and don't let anybody else on! We were directed to the yellow Hop On/Hop Off bus and it set off with only the two of us on it!! Masearo asked us where we wanted to go (there was nobody else ). We weren't sure but went to the first 2 scheduled stops on the tour at the government buildings and some big monument to the Great Trek. We then said we would like to see a township and that was the start of it!
5 hours later we returned to the tour route having spent that time in a 52 seater with the tour guide and the driver in the Atteridge township. We stopped at a traditional shabeen for a beer (Heineken at 90p a bottle - hardly premium!) and whilst there got food from the stall next door. What they call porridge is certainly not the same as what we do. Mark mostly decided to wait until dinner! Another £6 down but it was lunch for 4.
Then off to see the "informal" settlements - now that is a euphamism. the sight of the 52 seater yellow bus squeezing its way between the tin shacks was a sight the locals were not used to. the kids running along side were dead excited but the glares from the adults clearly registered as 'smug b*@t*$ds, you try living like this!?!" but we felt we had had a true insight into the real South Africa and thanks to Masearo. for making it a day to remember!!
On a personal note to Maearo, we hope your wedding goes well when your fiance eventually has saved up enough money. it's off to Capetown and more of the Gerks and Big Hof go Whale watching tour!!

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