Tuesday 6 July 2010

Hup, Holland, Hup!!

Capetown, Semi-final day! It should have been us according to our plan which only had one flaw!? Just not good enough. So with a spare day on our hands we hatched a plan! A wine tour seemed to fit the bill and boy did we drop lucky! Polite enquiries with our B&B land lady hit the jackpot! Her friend Margie did occasional personal guided tours and the day was set fair!!40yrs ago Margie was a babe!! Now she is a charming lady, an expert in wine and who drives a Mercedes-Benz. She giggled away when two middle aged guests climbed in the car and declared "we are all yours and no spitting!!" By the end of the tour we reckoned we'd done two bottles each, enjoyed a lovely meal and seen some lovely scenery. Back at the B&B we turned our bike around in quick order and headed into town! Holland 3 - 1 Uruguay. Hup, Holland, Hup!!

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